King of the Jews

All four gospels state that Pilate had a notice prepared that said “King of the Jews” and had it fastened to Jesus’ cross. Many protested this notice, but Pilate stated “What I have written, I have written.” (John  19:22)

I find Pilate an interesting character. If he didn’t believe, or wasn’t seeking the truth, why did Jesus answer his questions? Why did Pilate try so hard to have Jesus released? Why did he have a notice prepared stating that Jesus was the King of Jews – instead of “this man states he is the king of Jews?”

We studied the book of John this year in BSF and when we came to John 19 I perked up. I was interested to find out what the BSF notes stated regarding Pilate. But the notes go along with the common theory that Pilate was against Jesus. Commentaries I have read also agree.

Dr. Doug Bookman, whose life’s work is studying the Passion Week (if you ever get an opportunity to hear him speak on this topic, do so – he is amazing) thinks that Pilate may have become a believer. There are too many things that happened the day Jesus was crucified that make me wonder if this theory is true.

What are your thoughts on Pilate?


1 thought on “King of the Jews”

  1. I’ve always thought Pilate has been unfairly made into the bad guy. While he could have done more to save Jesus, yes, he was not the one who was on a mission to have Jesus killed. Pilate was a coward, afraid of stirring the pot or standing up against the crowd, but he was not Jesus’ killer. The people and the religious establishment of the day chose to kill him, Pilate chose not to fight them on it. That’s my opinion anyway. 🙂 Not sure where I fall on him being a believer, though. Glad you opened this discussion. It’s a valid one and one that interests me a lot.

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