There are three main views within Scrivener that relate to planning and story organization:
One view is the Manuscript View. In the Binder it represents the overall book/part/chapter/scene organization your work follows. By creating a parent/child structure the binder really gives you a nice high level outline view of your work. More on the structure you create at a later date.
The second view is the Corkboard View, which lends a bit more planning ability by allowing you to take each scene, chapter, etc. and add a description to the title you already have.You can title the card, give it a quick description. The cards look like 3X5 notecards tacked onto a corkboard, but in reality you can add as much or as little information as you need.
The third view is the Outliner View. It combines the best of the manuscript and the corkboard view to create a tree like structure (like the Binder) that contains the information from the note cards in it.
If you click into any of these views you can add new scenes with the Green + and new folders (chapters, parts, etc) with the new Folder button at the bottom of the binder. You can also reorganize using drag and drop and edit any of the visible text without switching views.
If you haven’t yet seen some basic information for Scrivener on the Windows platform, it is here.
As always, I highly recommend Scrivener for Dummies, it has tons of information you can use. There is a formal forum through Literature & Latte you can check out. And don’t miss the Scrivener for Dummies Cheat Sheet